The Club welcomes interest from players who wish to play in the Leinster Chess leagues. These leagues start very soon so it is essential to signal your interest as soon as possible. They are most suitable to players with current Irish Chess Union ratings or those who wish to obtain an ICU rating or generally play in Irish chess tournaments. So it is a competitive and tough chess league set up.
At this point, you can express interest by sending an email to Carl Peralta (peralta12@gmail.com) and Carl will put you in touch with the relevant team Captain and in that way you can link up with a squad. Typically we try to use WhatsApp to stay in touch during the season but of course we use email if that is preferred. Please also consider joining the club as that way we will hold your contact details. See the membership tab above.
You can also see the match fixtures at www.leinsterchess.com .
Our club will have teams in Division 1; Division 5 and Division 6.
Note that our club’s Leinster Chess teams will play their home matches at Hansfield Educate together, typically starting at 7.30pm on Mondays. Away matches are on evenings of the opposing club so can vary and an occasional country match can arise. Typically you will see a match every three weeks during the chess season (which runs from September to June). The precise match dates and venues for games are set out well ahead of time in the Fixture list.
We also hope to organise coaching / friendly events once the season retarts so keep an eye out for future posts on that!
John Delaney
Blanchardstown Chess club
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