Club Ladder: Rules

ladder-with-pieces-1To be promoted, you have to earn sufficient points to earn promotion by participating in events. Your points are recorded on our Club Ladder results file, and published on the website. Events and Chess Tests are run by a Tournament Director (see under ‘Directors’).  New Positions on the Ladder are normally calculated weekly. It is very difficult to gain a promotion and can takes many many weeks and months of effort. Good luck!

 In addition to Club game results, it is possible to win promotions / points based on tests and events outside of the Club.  Different activities taken into account by Club coaches include the following:
   You do the following activity or play in the following type of event Ladder points earned  Events designed to learn specific Openings Events designed to learn particular endgames
 Chess Puzzles (weekly set of 4)  5
 5 minute  5  4  5
 15 minute  10  7  7
 30 minute  10  12  12
 Full tournament game  20  24  25
 NB: score shown assume a 6 player all play all. They are doubled for 10 player all play all events.  
 Chess tests Special Test (set 1)
60% score = 15
100% score =25
 K v K + Q  5  R+3 v R+1
 Castling  1  R+B v R (draw)
 Rook mate (K+R versus K)  1  Q+pawn v Q
 5 Openings  4  King and 2 v K and 1
 B+N versus K  7  R+pawn v Rook (draw)
 Other events
 LCU senior league game played  10
 ICU rated weekender  50
 General guide: Wins/Draws/Losses Varies by event difficulty
LCU junior player passport 50  ICU or LCU selection 100