Club Ladder: Levels

ladder-with-pieces-1Each Player in the Club ladder is assigned to one of 6 levels. As we play ladder events in the club – and as we take chess tests and play games – we move up the levels and earn promotion from one level to another. Points earned are recorded in the Club Ladder Rating system, and the Director or Chess Coach will normally publish updates of Ladder Ratings on the website!

1. Pawn (Starter)

Players learn the name of the chess pieces. They see how the pieces move. They can play a rudimentary game using pawns only. They are introduced to chess as a fun activity. A rating below 650.

2. Knight (Beginner)

Players learn how to use chess clocks. They are able to move all the chess pieces. They can play a 5-minute game of chess. The know basic checkmates with King and Queen against King. They understand the key rules such as Promotion and Castling. A club ladder rating between 651 and 850.

3. Bishop (Development)

Players know some chess openings. They are able to write down their chess moves. They can play 15 minute games well.

They are able to checkmate with a rook and King versus a king. They understand all the unusual chess move rules and chess manners e.g. en passant, touch rules, and good chess behaviour for example. A club ladder rating between 851 and 1000.

4. Rook (Advanced)

Player has developed their own repetoire e.g. at least 5 opening choices. Endgame knowledge. Strong understanding of chess manners and a very sporting player. Able to play 30 minute games well (using all their time). Interested in the post mortem aspect of a game with a view to improving further. A club ladder rating above 1000 but also additional skills and expertise as mentioned.

5. Queen (Senior Players)

Ability to play full tournament games e.g. 1 hour 30 minutes. These are our senior players and often include our experienced Youth Leaders.

6. King (Experienced Players)

Our top juniors. They have played in at least 3 Irish chess tournaments and have acquired an ICU rating. Often these players include our players playing at Irish internatinal level. It is naturally  a rather rare and difficult achievement!