As the Christmas season approaches, a lot of our club players will play some chess “online”. We mostly use www.lichess.org which is free to use and well respected chess playing site.
If you are playing on Lichess, you may come across your Blanchardstown club mates over the coming Christmas holiday period. A list of “handles” of our members on Lichess is shown below for information and to maximise transparency. Feel free to add your Lichess handle in the comments section below if your name is not shown.
Blanchardstown Club committee
First name | Surname | Lichess handle |
Aarav | aarav_ja | |
Adam | Adamflorczak | |
Aidan | Aidann | |
Akshara | (Not known) | |
Alan | (Not known) | |
Alex | (Not known) | |
Ameya | Evercool | |
Aoibheann | (Not known) | |
Artjom | fnosov | |
Bedhbh | BlueFluffyGiraffe | |
Benjamin | BCC_ben_liu | |
Bronagh | Bronaghh | |
Charlie | Charliee | |
Damian | DamoIreland | |
Darragh | DC01 | |
Derrick | (Not known) | |
Eduardo | Eduar179 | |
Eldho | eldhobibin | |
Ethan | ethanbai | |
Euan | thatleftieguy | |
Jackie | Jackie79 | |
Jacopo | (Not known) | |
Jakub | (Not known) | |
Jason | Jasonliu02 | |
John | Sneakm | |
Le Gia Khuong | giakhuong | |
Mark | C | alphachaos |
Mark | W | Mark505 |
Mark | K | markkhodzinskyy |
Marko | MarkowithaK | |
Matthew | Matthew | |
Murray | StunningM | |
Nemhain | RealMintSea | |
Noah | (Not known) | |
Pranav | Pranavkarthikeyan | |
Reuben | reubovsky | |
Robert | userfriendly2 | |
Ronan | ronank33 | |
Rose | Rosee | |
Ruth | (Not known) | |
Saoirse | SC02 | |
Seán | SC03 | |
Shonn | shonn_ja | |
Slava | Vseslav | |
Yongheng | abeylyh | |
Zaid | (Not known) |
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