JUNIORS: restart on Saturday January 9th
Andrew will run a ZOOM chess lesson for juniors at 3pm on Saturday
Henry will run a “Leinster Junior chess grand prix” from 4pm on Lichess
SENIORS: restart on Monday January 11th
Diana Mirza (WFM) will run a ZOOM chess talk for seniors from 7.15pm on Monday
Henry will run a “Lost Knights €30 Open Challenge” from 8pm on Lichess
Lost Knights is Monday Online OPEN €30 challenge. There will be a €30 first prize for the winner each Monday for 10 weeks. This event is open to all. We normally limit a winner to two prizes to share the cash around.
The tournament’s link will be shared through webpage and facebook.
The coaching is for the membership. Please register in this link. Then your contact will be added to a whatsapp group. The coaching link will be shared in the group.
Blanchardstown Chess Club Committee
My 9 year old son would like to learn how to play chess. Could he join a beginners class please?.
Hi, if your son wants to learn how to move pieces or what is the rule of chess, we suggest you use lichess.org. This website has basic tutorial on it. In our junior coaching, we assume you son has already know how to move pieces. And the coaching focus on basic or fundamental variations, something a bit advanced than scholar mate.
If you are interested please register at this address. We will add you to the parent whatsapp group and share the link for coaching.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I’d like to attend the chess talk tonight, however I never used ZOOM before (just installed it). How can I join the call?
Thanks & Regards!
Hi Gabor,
This is Henry here. The zoom invitation is shared in our “Senior Chess Coaching” whatsapp group. I have sent the invitation to join whatsapp group to you by text. Could you please join the group so it is easier to share information?