Captain Mark re-arranged his game for another day leaving his charges to battle heavy traffic post Hurricane Oephilia, on their way to facing the highly regarded & rated Dublin. After the first hour, it looked like a re-run of the current season, close games but board 6 looked awful as a Bishop move to c3 instead of b4 would have x-rayed a Rook/Knight & winning a free Bishop as well. Somehow, both players missed this and the ending produced an advantage to Mikhail which he converted. …………..1-0 to the Mice! Gavin produced an aggressive stomping display to mash up his highly rated foe’s defences, and he forced a perpetual against an opponent near 300 points higher. It was a mighty relieved Dublin 1800 player who shared the point, and post match analysis revealed that Gavin had all the play, but the possible win was very difficult to find. Likewise on board 2….the Dinosaur roared loud against his equally much higher rated adversary……., in between running up and down 5 flights of stairs to keep the (ABSENT….note ….ABSENT) …Captain informed of the match progress. Fortunately, having his draw offer refused, Stefan made a few more moves before his opponent looked at him and said…”Did you not hear???…No…hear what?? I offered a draw….No I offered a draw said the Dinosaur….No I did and in the midst of confusion….it was agreed. ….a draw! As for the game itself, regarding the best player …..another relieved Dubliner. Confused??….that’s what’s running up and down numerous flights of stairs does….2-1 to the mice! Piotr got his Queen trapped again without an escape square and lost from an even position, whilst Vinajak was worse off, to a bit more worse off ….to ……even more worse off…to losing and eventually, to ………dead lost ……………….and drew. Ollie their Captain….(at least he turned up…..Mark) did not see a forced winning Bishop sacrifice, and for once this season, we got a little bit of fortune. 2.5 points each with one game to play. Our Captain, please note the refrain from saying….ABSENT Captain will only be about 400 points out-rated…so there is no pressure on Mark to get a Result…………SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK!!…………….now ……………..who has the Cheese? MIAOW.
It was a Commendable result, and offers renewed hope for the season.
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