The club has two Teams in the Leinster Senior leagues. We need adult volunteers to manage these teams and help organise a small team squad of juniors (including your child). Adults can also play on these teams and will be welcome.
We hope parents of juniors can volunteer to help to allow these teams to play in Leinster leagues this season.
Division 4 OHanlon Cup
Division 6 -Bodley North
Normally these Leinster league team are comprised of our top juniors, alongside some interested adults. Team members will be coached throughout the season and prepared for Irish Junior or Senior championships by our club coaches. Participation in weekend tournaments by juniors will also be supported.
The club urgently needs Adults (e.g. parents of interested players) to act as Captain and manage these two teams
Acting as captain typically involves your helping a team of 5 juniors play a total of 11 chess games (matches) spaced out over the season – held fortnightly between now and March 2019.
Home matches will be on Monday evenings in a local hotel, with away matches at various opposing club venues in their club night. Dates and venues are known well in advance.
If you can play chess, and your child would like to play serious chess matches this year, you are probably an ideal captain!
Can you please contact John Delaney 0862625878 as a matter of urgency to express interest and he can outline what is involved for you to consider.
Unless the club finds an adult volunteer willing to act as captain / manager, it will not be possible to run these junior teams and we will need to withdraw them. This will hurt the prospects of our juniors getting competitive club matches and advancing in their chess.
So please do consider running a team. Ring John to learn how easy it is, and to hear about how we will train you as adult volunteer and generally support you and your squad (of 5/6 juniors including your child).
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