The ICU Online Blitz Championship 2020

ICU scheduled a Blitz tournament on this Saturday 21st March 3pm. It is overlapping with our Junior Club’s time. We recommend all our kids to join and play. The game is 3 minutes and 2 second bonus per move.

If you click the following link at 3pm this Saturday, the page for the tournament will pop up in a web browser or your lichess app. You are required to log in. Then, click the “Join” button, and use password “ ICUBlitz”, you will be enrolled in pairing and start to play. Time allowed, you can play as many game as you can in 2 hours duration. When one game is finished, click “back to tournament” button and you are in the next pairing. If a new game started but you didn’t make the first move in time, you will be kicked out of the tournament. No worry, you can join the tournament by inputing the password again.

All the players in Blanchardstown Chess Club are encouraged to create an account with the name “BBC_your_name”, so that our players can be recognised in the tournament player list.

Here is the tournament link:

“We’ll be running the Irish Online Blitz Championships on LiChess on Saturday, 21 March at 3pm. “

PW: ICUBlitz

Blanchardstown Club Committee

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