Paul Simon sang those words and we can relate to them very well regarding the O’Hanlon division of the Leinster league. Why? ….we now occupy the bottom spot after the latest round of results. It’s Paul Simon’s last tour this year, & at the age of 76 he can finally hold up his guitar…………we just hold up the table…………..not quite the same ring to it??.
However, all is not lost…., otherwise Mark might never return from Cork, and …………we need him. ………if only to throw more pens his way. If we gave some pens to the Invisible first team would they know what to do with them??…..doubt it……………..They’re used for writing Guys….you know, that’s what we used to do before computers arrived on the scene……………WRITE…..COMMUNICATE……….but they’re all afraid of their Captain Robbie “the Black” McLoughlin.
Even the name sounds scary……….a bit like our position in the league. SCARY!
Latest O’Hanlon results:-
Naomh Barrog 3 Inchicore 3. Inchicore 3 St. Benildus 3. Gorey 2.5 Ruy Lopez 3.5.
Naomh Barrog p 8 Pts 20.
Ruy Lopez p 8 Pts 20.
St. Benildus p 9 Pts 19.5.
Inchicore p 9 Pts 19.5.
Blanchardstown p 8 Pts 19.
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