After a nervous start in the O’Sullivan cup this season our junior development team have scored 2 draws and one win recently to climb from 10th to 6th place in the league. Tomorrow’s game is an important one for the team as they play Naomh Barróg at home in Mountview. The visitors are currently on equal points with Blanchardstown in the leinster chess union league.
Our development team is:
Quinn Griffoen, Patrick Gallery Darragh Comey, Kian Sampil, Karl Sampil, Daniel Borton, and Andrew Harten.
Brilliant stuff!! Best of luck against Niamh Bharrog! I am hoping to physically get to see some of the games in Mountview live from 2.30pm. If only we had a DGT board or two we could be broadcasting the games live on internet for the club and the world? Wouldn’t that be good idea?
We might even play some full matches remotely…….. Moscow, Paris …..Kilcock