O’Hanlon Match Preview

On Monday night, the O’Hanlon squad travel to Elm Mount to face the Top of the table pacesetters. We will definitely be out-rated on all the boards. They have an outstanding team from 1-6, and are so strong that they have not needed to alter their line-up  at all. If consistency is a measure of Class, then they have it in Spades. 4 games, 4 wins, ……the least amount of team defeats,………….. high in the statistics of most wins & draws. This shows that anything gained will be very hard earned.! Elm Mount now have a run of facing some of the lower placed teams, of which, we’re first in line.  They  will be determined to increase the distance between themselves and the other promotion chasers, before their testing finish at the season’s end.  We will be missing at least one of our better players, if not two of them, and Mark has had to juggle his team just to fill the boards. Who know’s what Monday’s selection will bring, no news on that front yet? Have Elm Mount fixed their leaky roof? or even installed working radiator”s this time round? are some other concerns.

Will the Dinosaur will be there,?…who can forget his charging in the back of FM Fitzsimons last time round….Pat Fitzsimons is playing on bd 4 for the hosts…….a family double perhaps? Sadly, our Captain does not believe in Goody-Bags.  We can take good heart from our recent fighting results but we’re still playing catch up…. Sadly, that is unlikely to be changed after our final pre-Christmas game. C’mon the Blanch!!

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