“I’ve started….so I’ll finish” commented the late Bamber Gascoigne on University Challenge….so by the time the Heidenfeld team complete their final pre-Christmas game, we may hear of it by next year!! That sounds so unfair I hear you cry……well it is……Unfair that they don’t let anyone know how they’re doing….as though they were a super secret Organisation. The first team played a few days ago…but we had to find out through the Leinster league.. However, its not all bad news…they drew 4-4 with Elm Mount and sit on top of the table. What actually happened? …. we can only surmise from the results. Perhaps next time…I’ll make up the odd story when they’ve found a blanket to send smoke signals. Whatever the story…………..very well done lads!!! Individually, the team are all contributing to the cause with “Black” Sean McLoughlin and “Super Smooth” Rudolf Tirziman leading the way with 4.5/5…..the others are not too far behind. It makes a huge difference in having a settled team….huge!!
That’s not what Captain Mark Cummins started with in the O’Hanlon division. Losing the 3 best players did not help and early season results were quite simply……awful & down-heartening!! Drafting in enthusiastic players backfired, and poor Vinajak must have thought…”I’ve left a good team to come to ……..the bottom of the league” but out of adversity comes courage, and the team led by Mark, displayed fight and determination in spades against the 3 top teams…racking up an impressive 10.5 points. Being currently 3rd bottom is rarely a success story………….but this is one of the exceptions. Mark now has set his team’s sights set on a higher placement post Christmas….no relegation blues being the Order of the day. The Dinosaur leads the charge on 3.5/5, our own Vermeer Randolph Bruin has 1.5/2, Piotr has 2/4 and the rest are all going to catch up……hopefully!! Mark has challenged the Dinosaur to the most points and made the mistake of offering a Scotsman…………….prize money to the winner.!! Eat dust Bud … Chomp Chomp!!
The Bodley Cup team captained by Sean, have settled into a lower to mid table placement and are cutting their teeth just fine. A couple of big wins, a couple of big defeats and a growing competitive experience every step of the way. Marco Blackwell 3/4 & Maciej Fijalkowski 3/5 lead their point scorers. It is not inconceivable that some of the Juniors may be able to step up a league, for there are enough youngsters who are just as keen to take their place on the Junior team…Emily Ghukasyan, Jan & Stas Mrowinski, Daniel Quinn and Emilliana Baczkowski to name but a few, and others who enjoyed playing in the Mick Germaine Cup last week.
With a healthy intake of Juniors, the future of the Club looks bright.
Have a Happy Christmas Everyone.
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