Down at the Seaside.

Chess Board

Are you in trouble with what you write? …………….asked a well wisher who reads our Club Blog post. Well, not in as much trouble as the Inchicore Sheridan Mafia who have promised to take a hit out on us. Tristan gave Piotr a piece and ended up with a round number…….0. There was more bad news around the corner for the West Dubliners, ……just let’s say……Cement Jackets are currently being ordered.  CM Harding just edged the Dinosaur in an even position, & Emilliana fought bravely but succumbed to Terry Creighton of Elm Mount………that Club won’t be getting any Christmas cards from us either. Round 2 saw Darragh Moran thump Emilliana….these Gonzaga guys are utterly ruthless, mean and intent on taking over the Irish Chess World.. The Dinosaur won his game, and remember I said Anthony Bourached (2062), may  struggle to get onto our O’Hanlon team….well Piotr only took a draw because of a time deficit when in a winning position. We’ll keep the door open for Tony….we could do with a good board 6. Round 3 saw CM Harding do an Italian job on Piotr, Donal O’Boyle had the better of his clash with the Dinosaur, but nifty Rook manoeuvering saw a shared point, whilst Emilliana gave Shay Scott a good game. Shay indulged in the habit of pouring water over himself………..strange, considering the sea was just across the road! After dinner saw a Marshall demolition by Pat Fitzsimons, Piotr drew with Donal from Elm Mount & Emilliana continued her losing streak……….boy…are they going to pay when she gets older!!. Some people have asked to be put on the Blog, but they’re getting ignored so…what was interesting is that Luke……..remember him?…… know the traitor!!!……is now contesting Mark for lead role in the next were-wolf film. Don’t enter any beauty contests Guys!! Round 5 saw Piotr win a lovely ending against Tom Janowski, Emilliana outplayed Pat from Dublin, but lost out to the excitement of actually winning……..and the Dinosaur threw out a good position against Donal with another draw. Round 6 resulted in Piotr playing an Invisible first teamer Danny Dwyer. another draw again, and father Padraig offering to play more in the O’Hanlon next season……….. but he’s more than welcome & hopefully more visible too. Eid Bourached competed as well, but the results are not up yet so don’t know how they did. The Dinosaur beat 9 yr old Kavin Venkatesan, a fine prospect who is not much bigger than a Ham Sandwich and weighs less than one, and Vincent from Malahide showed an affinity to Count Dracula in disposing of Emilliana,……………all he needed was a Cape and he’d look the part!! The last round was noticeable for a 1 move draw: Emi had a bye and Piotr was doing well v Pat Reynolds before overlooking a Bishop take. Still, Piotr got a grading prize and the trophy for being the best player under 1200. Emi got a beach ball and Open Winner, IM elect David Fitzsimons gets a chance to engrave his name on the trophy which he should have done last year. All’s well that ends well………………oh yes…Inchicore……………..who beat us, as did near everyone else and got relegated  from the O’Hanlon………….like us……well……….. actually we did NOT get relegated due to only one team falling through the trapdoor……………………and we finished above them……..Ouch!!! …….no wonder they’re Mad at us!!  Po or Mark will have to find an extra player now…………….perhaps Vinajak will play, possibly Randolf, Gavin, even Anthony……the list is very short!!… it a Curse or a Blessing?  ……..Will it be Groundhog Day all over again next season??? Watch this space……….unless you believe that this is all fake!!

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