November 1, 2017
Dear Parents and Junior members
Chess coaching – Juniors
I am writing to tell you that the Club is hoping to start a formal programme of coaching in the club (during Saturday sessions) to benefit all our junior members. We hope to start on November 4th.
Coaching is offered for groups of children who are organised into “coaching groups”. Each group will have 6 sessions initially.
Message to Junior members
Please note that you are placed in a coaching group (see GROUPS below)
Your group will have a number of coaching sessions (see PLANNED COACHING DATES in a next posting). Coaching is optional and simply offered to help you become a stronger player over time. If you cannot attend on any Saturday, that is not a worry and you should not worry at all!
If we discover any problems with the planned dates, we will normally publish a correction or change on the website. Please check www.blanchardstownchess.com regularly.
If you have any questions or ideas please do let me know!
Organisation of junior coaching – short message to parents
Please note the coaching will take place during normal club meetings times (Saturdays). Coaching is entirely optional for juniors. Our chess activities will proceed as normal on Saturdays. The only difference you will notice is that groups of children will move aside for 30 minute coaching sessions at various points. Children will later rejoin the main chess activity once their coaching session is over.
Our Senior chess coaches are Sean McLoughlin and Rudolf Tirziman.
Both are themselves former members of the junior club. They have significant experience as Irish junior internationals. We are really very grateful for their willingness to help. I am excited to see two top Irish players (both currently actively aiming for international master titles) coaching our children. They have certainly designed an ambitious coaching programme for the children! I hope we can all help the children deepen their enjoyment of their club as time goes by, and assist them to become as good as they wish at their sport.
Gens una sumus!
(“We are all one family” – this is the World Chess Federation (FIDE) motto and something all us chess players share in our club, adults and juniors alike!)
John Delaney FM
Queries: 0862625878
Albatross |
Florin Popa |
William Fok Chak |
Matthew Tiernan |
Richard Laffan |
Marco Blackwell |
Piotr Backwoski |
Badgers |
Aishling Lynch |
Seán Leahy |
Maciej Fijalkowski |
Daniel Borton |
Matthew Grehan |
Andrew Harten |
Caterpillars |
James Prendeville |
Jack McCann |
Sargis Ghukasyan |
Matthew Quinn |
Alex Babin |
Tomasz Fijalkowski |
Dingos |
Mark Grennan |
Euan Bell |
Thomas Gartlan |
Christopher Gallery |
Elliot Kelly |
Conor Green |
Calvin Farrell |
Elephants |
Ronn Mathew |
Hamsini Kare |
Patrick Langan |
Matvei Pascaru |
emily Ghukasyan |
James Byrne |
Aarav Jibin Abraham |
Mia McCann |
Foxes |
Arsen Hakhumyan |
Ada Marsh |
Finbarr Zhang |
Amelia (Mia) McCann |
Derrick Lin |
Benjamin (Ben) McCann |
Hyenas |
Nika Kotliarova |
Caitlin Dassanayake |
Amelie Bell |
Daniel Quinn |
Tristan McIntosh |
Amiliena Bazkwoski |
George Syrtsov | |
Iguanas |
Matei Morarean |
Oscar Narducci |
oisin duffy |
Aoife Laffan |
Reuben Mathew |
Zimgi Chukwureh |
Ryan Mathew |
Jackals |
Carter Nolan |
Dan Karsten Titus |
Pierce O’Rourke |
Sanjith Menon |
Jason Liu |
Alex ustyan |
Kangaroos |
Aishling Lynch |
Ada Marsh |
Amelia (Mia) McCann |
Nika Kotliarova |
Caitlin Dassanayake |
Amelie Bell |
Aoife Laffan |
Limas |
Matthew Tiernan |
Marco Blackwell |
Piotr Backwoski |
Seán Leahy |
Maciej Fijalkowski |
Tomasz Fijalkowski |
Nightendales |
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