Bad day at the Office.

Sometimes.things just don’t go your way, and the Armstrong’s team last match in 2016 sure fits that hat! Steve started the ball rolling by losing a piece and the game. Mufasser was in a better position and his opponent found a repetition that could not be avoided. Danny produced a lovely tactical shot, whilst leaving his own Queen en prise, taking back the material a few moves later. This gave him back rank pressure and a pawn to the good…sadly exchanging the material produced …….a dead draw. Stefan tried to force the pace with Black, but found his opponent equal to the task in a game that in soccer terms had 0-0 written all over it….another dead draw!. Randolph tried to attack his fine opponent’s king with a pawn on the 7th, but Italians are excellent defenders at soccer, & excellent at chess also..However, Mario did force the pace throughout and deserved his victory. Manuel chased his opponent’s Queen to the edge, before securing a Rook on the 7th, and with his Queen on the opposite side, forced his way to the win.
Gabor was sharp and an endgame combination of Rook & Queen, coupled with time trouble, undid his opponent. John started sharply and brightly, standing better placed for most of the game, but a Rook move to b4 in a complicated late middle game worked out less favourably than hoped and Our Leader succumbed to a roving Bishop munching pawns on the queenside. Alas, our day was made complete when his opponent indicated that until the last few minutes, he would have accepted any draw offer…..sometimes things REALLY DON’T GO the way you want it to…Phibsboro 4.5 Blanch 3.5 the final score……….and well done to the opposition.

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