Some of our female players might be interested in playing in the Irish Women’s Championships please see details below. The games are long and there are a lot of them so it is most suitable for our female Adult and Teenage players.
Link to flyer:
The Irish Women’s Championships 2018
Location Buswells Hotel, Dublin 2
Start date 2018-11-09
End date 2018-11-11
Prize fund €700
Sections Irish Women’s Championship
Contact John McMorrow
Flyer The_Irish_Women’s_Championship_2018.pdf
Category Irish
5 round FIDE rated event to decide this year’s Irish Women’s Champion.
Prize Fund: 1st: €350 2nd: €175 3rd: €100 Best under 1600: €75
Time Control: 90 minutes for the entire game with an addition of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.
Timetable: R1 Friday 7:30pm R2 Saturday 12:30pm R3 Saturday 5:30pm R4 Sunday 10:00am R5 Sunday 2:30pm
If you are traveling from abroad and have never been an ICU member before – you can enter here.
Enter Tournament
€35.00 Irish Women’s Championship: Waged
€25.00 Irish Women’s Championship: Unwaged
Irish Women’s Championship 11 entries
2184 WFM Ioana Miller
1501 WCM Gearoidin Ui Laighleis
1473 Lara Putar
1452 Jana Solomatina
1418 Anastasija Manojlovic
1275 Aoife Castle
933 Suzanne Barry
700 Aisling Ni Laighleis
700 Lucy Bueckert
700 Diana Bueckert
Brenda Foley
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