Blanchardstown Chess club: Annual General Meeting 2023/24: June 18th 2024
1 Approval of AGM minutes 2023
Minutes for year 2023 were approved.
2 Report by officers
Chair: A short review by Chair of 2023/24 season was discussed and approved. The club has thrived in 2023/24 and grown significantly. AGM was appreciative of efforts of all officers.
Treasurer: a short management report (as shown separately on website – see earlier post) was discussed. Some adjustments were advised by Acting Treasurer, arising late in the year and these would mean a lower deficit than initially estimated. It was expected that end year deficit would be – €3,000 (not -€4500 ). Some savings on rent had arisen (we closed a little earlier than usual this season) and we were also refunded by parents for Club Hoodies. The Treasurer report was approved.
Child protection: A list of members for whom Garda Vetting was completed was circulated. This improvement in numbers now fully vetted was strongly approved by AGM. Child Protection officer was thanked for the significant progress on these important aspects. A new Child Protection Policy was approved and signed by Chair and Child Protection Officer. This will be circulated to members and placed on display at club meetings.
Membership officer: numbers were 75 juniors and 30 adults. Typical meetings held on Saturdays for juniors are attended by 30-40 juniors, with 5 club volunteers present and parents/guardians invited also to be present. Representation of girls has strongly increased.
3 Motions approved
Motion 1: That the club will maintain the coaching programme in 2024/25. By necessity it is expected that participants will pay costs.
Motion 2: That Juniors (aged 12 -17 catchment) should participate in team events or similar in period February to June 2025 supported by club. This to reward and recognise their participation in club life.
Motion 3: that a Junior be co-opted onto Club Committee for season 2024/25
Motion 4: that Club establish clearer information and communicate this to all parents / guardians on pathways for young players in the sport of Chess.
4 Election of committee 2024/2025 season
Existing committee from 2023/24 were reelected, subject to two adjustments:
Treasurer: Ravi Shankar
Membership Officer: Mariada Fidanza
5 Any other business
a. LCU Teams, proposed team captains as follows:
Gavin Bolkeny (Division 2)
Michael Quinn (Division 5)
Ravi Shankar (Division 6)
plus an additional Division 6 team only if a captain able to run a team is identified
Team squads are normally populated in ICU rating order.
b. Membership Fees 2024/25
Boys €60
Girls €30
Adults €100
Family membership €100
c Registration day: members will register (paying club fee – and as required the ICU membership – on the following dates: Juniors: September 14th and Seniors: September 9th. . The AGM also decided that only players who have paid their club fees and joined the ICU can play for the club teams.
d. Gens una sumus tournament: the proposed theme was strongly approved. It was agreed to run as a rated series of FIDE rapid events (e.g. Sunday afternoon), likely time for month end. Event details and use of grant received would be decided by the incoming committee.
It would be desirable to host a CLUB Talk at each of these events to diseminate key information about joining and running a junior chess club (or something along these lines).
Carl Peralta, Secretary of Blanchardstown Chess Club
Note: these draft AGM minutes are approved/not approved as a first point of business at the following AGM
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