The club will meet on the following dates:
Junior chess club
Our final meeting dates of this chess season are: June 15th and June 22nd.
We will have our end of year summer party on June 22nd!! Junior club then takes its summer break,.
For your diary: please note that the juniors will restart meetings for the new chess season on Saturday September 14th.
Senior chess club
The final meeting before the summer break is on June 17th. Gabor will continue his coaching that evening at the Hansfield Educate Together (junior school) venue.
For your diary: please note that the Seniors will restart meetings for the new season on Monday September 9th.
Club AGM (June 18th, 8pm, Mountview)
Finally please do try to attend the chess club AGM is on Tuesday 18th June at Mountview. We need as large an attendance as possible of course; and this will allow us to decide the shape of our activities in 2024/25 season. We are hoping to run a chess tournament of some kind here in Dublin 15 next year! So that affects you! We will need your ideas as well as your practical support to ensure we run the types of events our club members wish to see happen! AGM is a great moment to make your suggestions!
There is a lot of chess over the summer in Ireland. For example, you should consider playing in the Irish Championship congress (many different events suited to all standards) in early August. You will see your club mates playing! See the Irish Chess Union calendar for details of that event and others. Feel free to ask Gabor, Andrew or John at the club about these events and what is involved if they are new to you.
Blanchardstown chess club committee
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