Last Thursday some of us met to discuss various Club matters at the local Watering Hole. Attendees included Susan & Ana, the sensible ladies; John the Delegator; The Senior ‘Black’ McLoughlin and a Dinosaur. Captain Mark was recovering after being snowed in at Florida, Roisin sent apologies and we waited for our Chairman. He’s on his way………………………..
Business commenced, but all eyes were on the Watch in the middle of the table as its Hypnotic Power lulled all but the sensible ladies into an increasing Comatose state!! Business was dealt with swiftly…the Club is now in a position to purchase DGT Boards, Clocks, Books and whatever else is needed to move forward into the Modern Age. Acknowledgment was made to our young Coaches, Sean the younger “Black” McLoughlin, and “Tall Smooth” Rudolf. We are fully appreciative of your work with the Juniors. All matters listed in the Agenda were dealt with, not that the Fossil in the Corner would be any the wiser………….( the Dinosaur. Sssshhh……he’s asleep!!). Saturday’s are Club days, both Junior & Senior with Matches only to happen on Monday’s. Coaching is Club led on Saturday’s and free………..anywhere else is not! Make the most of this kids, and the offer also extends to the Senior Club Members.
Which reminds me……………..has anyone seen the Chairman?
On a more serious note, Congratulations are in Order to the young Bodley team who defeated a Senior Phibsboro team which heavily out-rated them on every board by 4-1.
Well done to Marco, Andrew, Matthew, Maciej & Tomasz.
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