Our young and inexperienced team found out that the O’Hanlon division is going to be much harder than anticipated, as Blanch slipped to a very disappointing 1.5-4.5 loss. First to fall was Cormac on board 3 who played his part in a Wacky and Woolly game as both players went for the knockdown. Just one Cornetto!!….sorry move!! was the difference between launching a winning attack or being on the receiving end….no prizes for guessing what end Cormac was at….. Gavin on bd 1 was cruising to a strong if not a winning position, but forgot to account for a backward knight move which cost him a Rook and there was no way back from that. Shades of his first game last season….. Michael on bd 6 was doing very well on with his position, but hand movements are as important as good ideas, when using a Clock. Michael forgot about his; ……the rest is History. The Munchie-less Dinosaur refuted a tactical Bishop sacrifice to win a Rook and everything else against an opponent who played on for a Miracle. Mark followed up a grand position with a losing Queen mating entry and Vinajak was never in difficulty against a defensive minded opponent who created an impenetrable fortress with the White pieces. What can we deduce from our Bray foray?
Lessons have to be learned…PDQ.
(Pretty Damn Quick!!)
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