Our deserving Club Ladder leader, both Under 10 and Overall, at Christmas is Alex Babin!
Nobody could catch Alex, although many tried!
Daniel played brilliantly in the first half of the season but conceded the lead to Alex after a few weeks. Daniel was himself concentrating on Adult competitions where he was one of our few youths to beat an adult in the Leinster Senior leagues!
Kian also offered strong opposition for Alex but was just unable to catch him by Christmas!
Andrew and Aydin offered a hint of a challenge but that also did not quite work out by Christmas. Andrew also did wonderfully in Adult competitions where he was another of one of our few youths to beat an adult in the Leinster Senior leagues!
Our deserved leader and overall Christmas champion is therefore Alex Babin!
A fine player with great nerves and an ability to play quickly and strongly. Alex is a fine prospect for the future! The club is proud of his achievement.
Well done Alex!
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