The Dinosaur’s back!!!

Yep, it’s been quiet on the chess front this summer……Has the Dinosaur lost his voice??…his teeth?? ……become extinct????
No, nothing like that…..just that his computer is banjaxed and hopefully Mark will come to the rescue and show that modern technology can work. Due to family and work commitments, the Dinosaur has handed the mantle of O’Hanlon Captain to Mark Cummins who is younger, prettier, smarter…………well basically everything, but never fear….the Dinosaur will gladly shove all opponent’s in the back, ROAR his head off and basically make a bloody nuisance of himself whilst attempting to do what he has never achieved……play good chess. Let the season begin!!


    • Aug. 21, 2017
      Hi! I’d like to visit your chess club when I arrive in Dublin Airport on Sept.20. However, since I’m new there, I need help to get around. Could you help me? Mariano Acosta, Chicago, IL, USA.

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