O’Connell Cup & Philip Hogary Rising Stars – Players sought

All club juniors are invited to play.

We would like to have as many Blanch teams as possible and have a fun day playing against other junior clubs!

Often our players make their own team of four family, friends or neighbours – with a parent acting as manager.
So please contact Angelo Moore (0866015583) or John Comey (0867999631) if you would like to be on a team, or want help to assemble your own team!

All our junior players who played in the Irish Juniors championship should strongly consider playing in the Philip Hogarty Cup. It is a tough challenge but good fun and enjoyable!

Details of the events are as follows

Message from the Leinster Chess Union – Junior committee

07-Apr-2015 The O’Connell Cup (rating below 900) and Philip Hogarty Rising Stars (rating below 700) will be held on 10th May 2015 in ALSAA Sports Club, Old Airport Road, Dublin Airport, Co Dublin. This is a team event for Clubs and Schools. Each team will comprise four players. Play will commence at 10.15 am.

Our club will enter these events if there is interest from the Juniors and if we have adult volunteers in a position to manage the teams. Parent Volunteers are therefore sought and we will take stock in the Junior Club on April 18th/25th. Hopefully we will be able to find enough adult volunteers to allow our interested juniors to play!

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