LCU Grand Prix 3 Results

Thanks everybody who took part in this season’s Grand Prix series. This years series was twice as well attended as last year’s Grand Prix. We had over 200 different children from all over Leinster and beyond who took part in at least one of the 3 competitions of the series.
The 3rd competition, in the Carlton Airport hotel, was as exciting as the first two. The events were a huge success thanks to the 20 plus volunteers from Blanchardstown, North Kildare, Malahide and Rathmines chess clubs.
The results of the 3rd competition and the overall series prizewinners can be seen below.

LCU Grand Prix 3:


Under 8 GP1 Score Gp1 Points GP2 Score Gp2 Points GP3 Score Gp3 Points Total
David Cunningham 5 113.3 5.5 121.7 4 96.7 239.0
Alik Paronyan 4.5 105.0 4 96.7 5 113.3 206.7
Laavanya Srivastava 3.5 88.3 3.5 88.3 3 80.0 179.7
Kian Rezania 2.5 71.7 3 80.0 2.5 71.7 154.2
Daniel Quinn 2.5 71.7 1.5 55.0 3 80.0 129.7
Niamh Comey 2.5 71.7 1.5 55.0 1.5 55.0 128.2


Under 10 GP1 Score Gp1 Points GP2 Score Gp2 Points GP3 Score Gp3 Points Total
Nived Binu Daniel 4 96.7 4.5 105.0 5.5 121.7 323.3
Tomasz Fijalkowski 4 96.7 5 113.3 5 113.3 323.3
Kavin Venkatesan 5 113.3 5 113.3 3.5 88.3 315.0
Santo Sen 3.5 88.3 4.5 105.0 3.5 88.3 281.7
Alex Babin 3 80.0 4 96.7 3 80.0 256.7
John Danaher 3 80.0 3 80.0 3.5 88.3 248.3
Thomas Gartlan 2.5 71.7 2.5 71.7 2 63.3 206.7
Conor Grene 1.5 55.0 2 63.3 1 46.7 165.0



Under 12 GP1 Score Gp1 Points GP2 Score Gp2 Points GP3 Score Gp3 Points Total
Maciej Fijalkowski 5 113.3 6 130.0 6 130.0 373.3
Iarla Ó Cinnéide 5 113.3 4 96.7 4 96.7 306.7
Milena Mkrtichyan 3.5 88.3 4.5 105.0 4 96.7 290.0
Darius Rezania 5 113.3 3.5 88.3 3 80.0 281.7
Luke Bambrick 4 96.7 3.5 88.3 4 96.7 281.7
Seya Sen 4 96.7 4 96.7 3 80.0 273.3
Sam Collins 3.5 88.3 4.5 105.0 2 63.3 256.7
Pratyush Shukla 3 80.0 4 96.7 3 80.0 256.7
Darragh Comey 4 96.7 2.5 71.7 3 80.0 248.3
Vishal Tutte 1.5 55.0 4 96.7 3 80.0 231.7
Mark Grennan 2 63.3 3 80.0 2 63.3 206.7
Matthew Quinn 2.5 71.7 1.5 55.0 1.5 55.0 181.7
Calvin Farrell 2 63.3 1.5 55.0 1.5 55.0 173.3







Under 15 GP1 Score Gp1 Points GP2 Score Gp2 Points GP3 Score Gp3 Points Total
Tathya Sniastava 6 130.0 5 113.3 5 113.3 356.7
Eduard Dravnieks 4 96.7 5 113.3 5 113.3 323.3
Ilona Mkrtichyan 4.5 105.0 3.5 88.3 4 96.7 290.0
Marco Blackwell 4 96.7 4 96.7 4 96.7 290.0
Aarush Shukla 3 80.0 3 80.0 3.5 88.3 248.3
Philip Grehan 3.5 88.3 2.5 71.7 3 80.0 240.0
Eoghan Spence 3 80.0 2 63.3 2 63.3 206.7


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