Irish Chess Union – registration of Blanchardstown club players

The Chess Club decided (at our AGM in August 2016) to directly pay the ICU registration fee for all members of the club for season 2016/17, assuming the player involved had joined our club. The Club has now made the necessary payments to the ICU.

The following list of Blanchardstown players are  shown as registered with the Irish Chess Union for season 2016/17 (see below). If you see any error or omission, please advise John Delaney or any committee member before end November 2016.

Blanchardstown Club Committee


Blanchardstown players registered with ICU for season 2016/17 – as of 19 November 2016

Irish Chess Union ID Name
17806 Babin, Alex
13331 Baczkowski, Stefan
12568 Bolkeny, Gabor
17905 Borton, Daniel
13591 Bruin, Randolf Willem
17773 Cabanas Jimenez, Manuel
13606 Comey, Darragh
17482 Comey, John
17481 Cummins, Mark
318 Delaney, John
12595 Doyle, Gavin
13409 Dwyer, Daniel
13410 Dwyer, Padraig
17864 Esteve Sanchez, Sergio
13625 Gallery, Christopher
13588 Gallery, Patrick
13619 Gallery, Richard
17698 Ghani, Mufassar
17906 Ghukasyan, Sargis Richard
17980 Gredley, Steve
17503 Griffioen, Quin
17907 Leahy, Sean
13637 Looby, Susan
12594 McLoughlin, Robert
12593 McLoughlin, Sean
1342 O’Sullivan, Stephen
13589 Pandelias, Emmanouil
17908 Quinn, Matthew
13489 Sampil, Karl Louis
17923 Sampil, Kian Joseph
17981 Sathesgumar, Abilash
13306 Scott, Luke
12736 Tirziman, Rudolf

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